We are proud to announce that The Lake Clinic-Cambodia is one of the 2016 awardees of USAID’s Development Innovations Grants and Partnerships Fund with Mekom Solutions selected as its technology partner.
The Lake Clinic-Cambodia provides medical care and health education services through its five floating clinics operating on the Tonlé Sap lake.
Together The Lake Clinic-Cambodia and Mekom Solutions will design and trial an OpenMRS distribution for Cambodia translated into Khmer that will be released publicly on an open-source repository. The aim of the distribution is to be ready-to-use for Cambodian primary care facilities and to support standard terminology, standard code sets and standard work processes as well as adequate reporting analytics.
The scope of work covered by the USAID grant represents a first step to help achieving a consistent capture of medical data electronically in Cambodia, while leveraging established and proven record open-source technologies and communities. The focus is set on Cambodian health facilities that provide outpatient and outreach community care.
We are eager to share progress and trigger synergies, in particular with organizations and workers that are active in the healthcare sector in Cambodia. One of the objectives of the grant is to establish a panel of healthcare professionals to help guide, contribute to and review the design of the OpenMRS-based solution. Occasional visitors will also be welcome to attend the panel meetings and we invite you to contact us if you are interested in assisting the panel in its role.
Finally we are also very keen to hear from others that have been involved in similar efforts, please reach out to share your experiences with us!